Why Take Time 4 Hemp?

A Deep Dive Into The Time 4 Hemp Network

This segment takes a deep dive into why everyone needs to take Time 4 Hemp. The Deep Dive topic is focused on the work that has grown over the years through the Time 4 Global Hemp Broadcasting Network and explores the type of content that is presented on the website: https://www.Time4Hemp.news

This is the first of, hopefully, many more podcast-cast that is a combination of music and talk. Each segment will feature deep dives into the many different topics that cannabis-hemp is part of - along with amazing songs about:

this versatile plant

or the Freedoms we all treasure;

with a heaping touch of Love

added in for proper measure.

And, every tune, I'm sure

will bring you lots of pleasure.

Along with the Deep Dive Report and cannabis music are a few additional surprises intended to keep the program entertaining and informative.

00:00:00 - Opening - Jet Baker

00:00:40 - Intro - Casper Leitch

00:04:20 - Music: Tree Of Life - The Human Revolution

00:11:37 - PSA - Willie Nelson

00:12:55 - Deep Dive Report - Why Take Time 4 Hemp?

00:37:31 - PSA - Invest In Hemp - CNBC Business Report

00:40:32 - Closing Remarks - Casper Leitch

00:44:38 - PSA - Make Your Life Spectacular - Robin Williams

00:46:19 - Music - Our World - Hemp Street Rhythm

00:51:40 - Closing - Jet Baker

Program Producer and Host: Casper Leitch

Deep Dive Corespondents: Bud Stoner and Juanita Moorehigh

Deep Dive Producer: Albie Inman.

Casper Leitch

I got involved in the Hemp Movement in 1990 when I was hired by Jack Herer to run hiss office. I launched the cable television series ‘TIME 4 HEMP’ on January 5, 1991. Time 4 Hemp is the first TV series in the history of broadcasting to focus strictly on the topic of cannabis. This has given me the dubious honor of being ‘The Father Of Marijuana Television’.


The Great Cannabis Debate