Time 4 Hemp News And Views
Free Marijuana Music 4U2Love.
There is a FREE music download at the bottom of every post. You will find many different styles and genres: Rock, Reggae, Blues, Jazz, Rap, Country-Western, and more. They all have one thing in common. The lyrics are about the need to end cannabis prohibition and legalize marijuana or about FREEDOM like this one by Hemp St Rhythmz called Our World.
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Meet Jack Herer
The Emperor Of Hemp
Few names in the history of cannabis stand as tall as Jack Herer’s. A trailblazer, advocate, and visionary, Herer was a cornerstone in the fight for cannabis legalization and awareness. His influence reached from the West Coast cannabis community to a global stage, leaving a legacy that inspires activists, cultivators, and enthusiasts alike. Even the iconic sativa strain named after him pays homage to his indelible mark on cannabis culture, renowned for its distinct aroma and uplifting effects.
Read and/or download a FREE copy of his book,
‘The Emperor Wears No Clothes’.
Free marijuana music download:
The Prescription By The Cash Phlow.

Our European Hemp Roots
American Hemp Roots Grow Deep
Hemp cultivation has been an integral part of European agriculture for centuries. It was widely grown across the continent, with evidence of its use dating back to 500-600 BC in regions like Russia and Germany. By the 16th century, hemp had become so valuable that King Henry VIII of England mandated its cultivation.
Free marijuana music download:
Old Marijuana By Juanita Joint.