Time 4 Hemp News And Views
Free Marijuana Music 4U2Love.
There is a FREE music download at the bottom of every post. You will find many different styles and genres: Rock, Reggae, Blues, Jazz, Rap, Country-Western, and more. They all have one thing in common. The lyrics are about the need to end cannabis prohibition and legalize marijuana or about FREEDOM like this one by Hemp St Rhythmz called Our World.
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What Products Can Hemp Make?
What Products Can Hemp Make?
Cannabis is a major cash crop, this is common knowledge. Many people are still unaware that the sister strain of cannabis (ie. hemp) is also a big money maker for everyone who works with it. From the farmer who plants the hemp seed to the store owner who sells the many different hemp products, everyone becomes part of the growing hemp economy.
Free marijuana music download:
The Pot Song by Red Dirt.