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Joint Conversations with friends
Celebrate Freedom
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Celebrate Freedom

July 20, 2015

Hempy Birthday North America it’s time for a 420 Celebration! The first week of July is a time of birthday celebration here in North America as the countries that make up the North American celebrate their birthday’s only days apart. During this week millions of people gather together and celebrate.

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The Magic Of Hemp Oil
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

The Magic Of Hemp Oil

June 20, 2015

Hemp fuel is one of the many solutions facing the problems of the Earth. At a recent climate conference held in Europe, world leaders pledged to end the use of fossil fuels by the year 2100. What they didn’t say was how they plan to do it and we know we can’t go at full steam and then stop everything at once in the year 2100. Many people don’t realize that fossil fuels give us more than just gasoline and oil.

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It’s Fun To Grow
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

It’s Fun To Grow

May 20, 2015

What’s a statue doing on the front cover of a cannabis publication? Yes I agree it seems odd until you know the history behind it, especially if its cannabis related. This statue was erected for Louis Pasteur who was a French chemist and microbiologist. He is best known to the general public for a process named after him for treating milk and wine to stop bacterial contamination, a process we know as pasteurization.

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End Hemp Prohibition
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

End Hemp Prohibition

April 20, 2015

While cannabis legalization for recreational and medical use continues to happen in the USA, its citizens have found that they can purchase many alternatives from baked goods, drinks to concentrates. Meanwhile here in Canada an approved medical user can only smoke, vaporize or use it in food but only in its natural state, plant material.

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Cannabis Is Our Lucky Leaf
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Cannabis Is Our Lucky Leaf

March 20, 2015

In my last editorial about cannabis social use, I touched on the benefits that cannabis can bring to our health care dollars. This was done with a report that I used as my Editorial Pick where it showed that the top healthiest cities in the USA have medical cannabis laws within their state. Meanwhile the unhealthiest ones have no medical cannabis program at all.

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Watching Love Flower And Bloom
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Watching Love Flower And Bloom

February 20, 2015

With January out of the way and February half gone, our little marijuana publication must put a spotlight on Valentine’s Day. For this special day we purchase flowers, cakes, dinners, cards and so many other things for a loved one in our life. Some of those loved ones also receive cannabis in order to help them with a medical condition or conditions.

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