Time 4 Hemp is a Veteran owned broadcasting network.

E-4, Casper Leitch, US Army, Retired.
Below is the Time 4 Hemp theme song
This song is FREE to download.
Check out the new video series!
Returning To Our Roots
Join Casper Leitch, Al Byrne and Al Graham in this captivating video series exploring the world of industrial hemp, medical cannabis, and recreational marijuana. Each episode brings you fascinating insights and expert guests who reveal the latest trends, innovations, and benefits of this transformative plant.

The above audio is a deep dive into the Time 4 Global Hemp Broadcasting Network and explores the type of content that is presented on this website.
For Country and Cannabis is a love story written by Al Byrne that gives a glimpse into the rigors of a navy career along with a look at a legal, social, and financial war waged over an herb. This is a five-decade-long history that teaches about government lies, malfeasance, and injustice to groups of US citizens and individuals who wanted the option of using therapeutic cannabis as part of their treatment protocols.
Keep Up 2 Date With Time 4 Hemp.
As we stand on the threshold of a new era, Time 4 Hemp Broadcasting continues to evolve. The narrative it weaves isn't just about cannabis; it's about empowerment, education, and the enduring belief that honest journalism can be a force for positive change.
In the vast sea of media, Time 4 Hemp is a lighthouse, guiding towards a more enlightened perspective on marijuana legalization..
Below you can quickly locate the 3 most recent posts to each blog.

Time 4 Hemp News And Views
New blog posts are added a couple times a week. This blog is intended to share information about hemp and the leaders of the Marijuana Legalization Movement.
Every post has a FREE MUSIC MP3 DOWNLOAD at the bottom of the page. These songs put a spotlight on the need to end cannabis prohibition and to legalize marijuana.
An example is called: ‘Pass The Marijuana’ by Mystic Roots.

Time 4 Hemp Seeds 2 Grow
New audio podcast segments are released every Tuesday. The intended use for the podcast series is to share information about cannabis and the Global Hemp Legalization Movement.
These segments are a combination of highlights from the archives and newly recorded interviews.
Each show is FREE to download.

Time 2 Shop 4 Hemp
New product review blog posts are added 2 times a month. This blog is intended to spotlight some of the many products you can find in the Time 4 Hemp Gift Shop and the companies that produce them.

Time 4 Joint Conversations
The newsletter is being published four times a year; check out the latest issue when you have chance. All newsletters at Time 4 Hemp, are FREE to download.
People who enjoy taking Time 4 Hemp.
“Being a guest on the Time 4 Hemp Broadcasting Network was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed clowning around with Casper Leitch. We were both featured at different events at the 2012 Seattle Hempfest. He sure knows a LOT about marijuana!”
— Tommy Chong —
Comedian/Activist -
“It was exciting to watch Casper Leitch invent the television series, Time 4 Hemp. Hiring him to run my office was one of the smartest things I ever did. His work turned out to be a real benefit to the entire Marijuana Legalization Movement. I am proud to say that it was my friend, Capt. Ed Adair, and myself who put him on his journey as a Hemp Activists.”
— Jack Herer —
Author of ‘The Emperor Wears No Clothes’ -
“It’s been an honor to call Casper my friend. He and I met in 1991 when he started working for Jack Herer. I’ve enjoyed being a guest on his show several times over the years and encourage every member of NORML to tune in and listen.”
— Keith Stroup —
Founder of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws — (NORML) -
“It was a real trip to be a guest on Time 4 Hemp. It’s a very informative broadcast. Casper Leitch is courageous. He puts everything on the line trying to end the prohibition of a plant. I certainly know what that’s like. He’s a smart program host with a quirky sense of humor.”
— Dr Tim Leary —
Father Of The LSD Movement -
“When I was Governor of Minnesota, I was introduced to Casper Leitch and began to learn about how hemp makes the best bio-diesel fuel on the planet. How it grows 15 feet in summer, so it’s a great renewable resource. This is a remarkable plant. I would rather be uncomfortable with the truth than to be lied to in comfort. I’ve found that I always hear the truth about cannabis when I take Time 4 Hemp.”
— Jesse Ventura —
Former Governor of Minnesota -
“I travel all around the world and at many places that I visit, Time 4 Hemp is considered MUST LISTENING when keeping up to date with the Cannabis Legalization Movement. I had a lot of fun as a guest and look forward to my next visit.”
— Rick Steves —
American travel writer, activist and TV personality -
“When I was teaching at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Casper Leitch was a guest speaker on campus one evening in 1993. After his presentation on the importance of hemp as a cash crop, I made it a point to meet and chat with him. Since then, I’ve been a guest on the show and a fan of his work.”
— Dr. Andrew Weil —
Physician and Author -
“I met Casper Leitch in 1991 and have been impressed with his work as a cannabis activists ever since. Time 4 Hemp is an important resource and I hope that my being a reoccurring guest on his series draws attention to the network.”
— Willie Nelson —
Country Music Legend and Founder of Farm Aid -
“Before agreeing to be a guest on Time 4 Hemp, I did some research about Casper Leitch. I discovered the man is a pioneer and true soldier in the cannabis legalization movement. I also found that everything you ever wanted to know about cannabis – good and bad – you can find out about it at Time 4 Hemp.”
— Dr. Raphael Mechoulam —
'The Father of Cannabis Research' and Scientist -
“I met Casper Leitch in 1989 shortly after Jack Herer hired him to run the Help End Marijuana Prohibition (H.E.M.P.) office. Over the years, he and I have had a lot of fun educating people about the TRUTH pertaining to medical marijuana. I’ve been a JOINT-Host on many of his radio segments. It’s amazing how much you can learn from his shows.”
— Ed Rosenthal —
Author and Cannabis Horticulture Authority -
"As a former member of the DEA, I am most certain everyone in that agency is annoyed at this network because of the way it puts the TRUTH about prohibition in a very bright spot-light. When I became a member of the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition organization, one of the first interviews I did was with Casper. I’ve made it a point to listen-in at least once a day ever since.”
— Sean Dunagan —
Former DEA Intelligence Research Specialist -
“When my husband, Marc Emery, first heard about Jack Herer’s book in 1990, he called Jack’s office to order 20 cases. It was Casper Leitch who answered and took care of the order. When Casper started the Time 4 Hemp TV series, Marc got several Canadian networks to air it. When Marc was fighting his legal battles with the United States, Casper allowed us to be returning guests on his show. When Marc was placed behind bars, Casper gave me chance to speak to the global cannabis movement through his network any time I wanted to. Just some of the many reasons why Marc and I love him so much.”
— Jodie Emery —
Canadian Cannabis Rights Activists -
“I met Casper Leitch after watching him give a stirring speech at the 1991 National NORML Conference in Washington, DC. about ‘The Value of Hemp as a Cash Crop’. He gave me a copy of the book, ‘The Emperor Wears No Clothes’, along with a few segments of his television series. After reading the book and watching the shows, I decided to get involved and do what I could to let everyone know that it was time for hemp to make a comeback.”
— Hugh Downs —
American TV Broadcaster on the ABC-TV series ‘20/20’ -
“Time 4 Hemp is one of the most popular cannabis broadcast in Canada. Every time I’m a guest on the network I have a lot of fun. Any time I release a new book I make it a point to be on Casper’s show. People all around the world contact me to buy a copy after hearing me on the series.”
— Dana Larsen —
Author and Founder of Pot Head Books. -
“The War On Drugs is BIG BUSINESS for the government. If Uncle Sam had his way, no one could take Time 4 Hemp. I was the first Chief Of Police in any city to denounce marijuana prohibition. I met Casper Leitch at the Seattle Hempfest in 2008 and we’ve been good friends ever since. I enjoy it when he has me as a guest on the network. It’s one of the very few media sources that offers uncensored information about cannabis.”
— Norm Stamper —
Former Chief of Police in Seattle, WA -
“In 1991, I was the first sitting Judge in the United States to publicly denounce marijuana prohibition. During that year, I found myself speaking on the same panel with Casper Leitch and Jack Herer at several different events. Over the years I’ve been a returning guest on Casper’s series and have enormous respect for his work.”
— Judge James Gray —
Author and 2012 Libertarian Party VP Nominee -
“Casper Leitch is a REAL PRO at interviewing people and producing a cannabis radio series. He’s an honest, funny, and intelligent friend whose company I enjoy every time I’m a guest on any of the network programs. It’s one of the most important broadcasts in the history of the War On Drugs.”
— Irv Rosenfeld —
One of the last few surviving U.S. Federal Marijuana Patients and Author -
“The Marijuana Movement is a GLOBAL MOVEMENT thanks to programs like those found at Time 4 Hemp. Being a guest on Time 4 Hemp is a great way to reach the global marijuana movement. Any time I’ve been on the show I’ve gotten e-mail from all around the world. Casper’s work as a broadcasting activists is an example of brilliance.”
— NJ Weedman —
Founder of NJ Weedman Joint -
“Every time I’ve been a guest on the Time 4 Hemp network, I have walked away knowing my message would be heard – uncensored – ALL AROUND THE WORLD. I’ve known Casper Leitch since 2002 and enjoy his entertaining approach to such a serious topic. I’ve sent copies of his programs to many members of the US Senate and Congress. Time 4 Hemp is not only the FIRST of its kind – in my book – there is nothing that can match it when it comes to truthful content about the need to end prohibition.”
— Howard Wooldridge —
Founder of Citizens Opposing Prohibition (COP) -
“Time 4 Hemp is the most important broadcast in the history of hemp. Casper Leitch has successfully defeated the efforts of the US government in keeping the truth about Hemp hidden from the world. Through Time 4 Hemp, has kept the truth alive and easy to find. He and his work is one of THE KEY reasons that global cannabis prohibition will some day end. Every time you watch or listen to a segment, you are exposed to the truth about this plant.”
— Gatewood Galbraith —
Attorney and Candidate for Kentucky Governor -
“I met Casper Leitch at the 2010 Hempfest when he and I were guest speakers and I’ve been a big supporter of his network ever since. I enjoy being a guest on his show, it gives me a chance to introduce my products to the global marijuana movement without having to deal with any type of censorship. All of us at Hemp Shield make it a point to take Time 4 Hemp every day of the week.”
— Dave Seber —
Founder of Hemp Shield -
“The first time I saw Casper Leitch sit down and host a television series about how wonderful cannabis is I about fell off my chair. It was back in 1991 when it was taboo to even say the word ‘marijuana’ let alone produce a TV series about it. Casper is one of the hardest working activists I know. If the Legalization Movement had more people like him, the War On Drugs would have ended years ago.”
— Lynnette Shaw —
Owner of the FIRST Medical Marijuana Dispensary in the United State -
“Don’t be blinded by the lies about marijuana. Time 4 Hemp can help you see the Truth. I was at Jack Herer’s house in 1989 working on the California Hemp Initiative the day he hired Casper Leitch to take over the duties of the office. It was one of the best things Jack ever did for the Marijuana Movement. Casper has spent the rest of his Life steadfastly working to put the truth about cannabis in front of as many people around the world as he can. I love him. You will too if you take Time 4 Hemp.”
— Elvy Musikka —
One Of The Last Surviving U.S. Federal Marijuana Patients -
“I found Casper Leitch on MySpace way back in 2001. He was one of the first global program hosts to play my music on their show. One of the things I love most about his network is the wide range of musical styles that is played. You just never know what you’re gonna hear next. It might be a 1930’s Viper-Rag or a Rap song by an artists from this year. It might be a Reggae tune or a Country Western song or Jazz or Rock-n-Roll. One thing is for sure – every song is about how wonderful cannabis-hemp is and is great to listen to when smokin’ out with friends.”
— Muck Sticky —
Music Performer -
“I met Casper Leitch in the Spring of 1989 the day Jack Herer hired him to run his office. When Casper started the television series, I was the first guest he invited on. When he began the Time 4 Hemp Podcast in 2004, I was his first guest. When Time 4 Hemp was picked up by American Freedom Radio in 2009, I was the first radio guest. One of the reason’s Casper is called ‘The Father Of Marijuana Media’ is because he pioneered it.”
— Chris Conrad —
Author and Cannabis Legal Defense Expert -
“I met Casper Leitch at the 1991 NORML Conference. He and I were both scheduled to speak at the conference and I agreed to sit down and be interviewed for his ground-breaking television series, Time 4 Hemp. He and I have been friends ever since and I am a big fan of the network. I think everyone needs to take Time 4 Hemp every single day. If you get a chance to comb through the archives, you will find that I have been a reoccurring guest over the years. It’s been a fun way to be part of such an important body of work.”
— Dr Lester Grinspoon —
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus at Harvard Medical School -
“Time 4 Hemp provides an intelligent forum for discussing marijuana legalization. The founder of the network, Casper Leitch, is the part of the glue that has held the cannabis movement together. He provides information and resources that are accurate and up to date. If you are unsure as to how you feel about legalizing marijuana, visit Time 4 Hemp and do some research in the archives before making up your mind.”
— Ethan Nadelmann —
Co-Founder of the Drug Policy Alliance -
“I met Casper Leitch at the 2009 Treating Yourself Expo in Toronto Canada. He was a guest speaker at the event and the band and I were scheduled to perform shortly after his speech. We became friends backstage and I can honestly say his work in radio to reach an audience not familiar with hemp is an effective way to provide an education on this subject. It’s one of the many reasons we like hearing our songs played on his network.”
— Kyle McDonald —
Lead singer for Slightly Stoopid -
“One of the reasons I love Time 4 Hemp so much is because of the way it educates people about cannabis. It’s the same reason I opened Oaksterdam University in 2007 – to help people find a way to learn about this amazing gift from Nature. If you want to get a Masters Degree in Cannabis, there are two ways to achieve that. One is by enrolling into Oaksterdam University; the other is to listen to the programs in the Time 4 Hemp archives. Casper Leitch is a very effective Professor.”
— Richard Lee —
Founder of Oaksterdam University -
“This network is a fantastic source of truth about cannabis. I met Casper Leitch in 1991 when he and Jack Herer showed up for the very first Hempfest. Over the years, both he and Jack have been guest speakers at many of my events and I’ve had a lot of fun being a returning guest on his show. He has given us a platform to be heard on and is dedicated to raising the voice of the cannabis movement.”
— Vivian McPeak —
Founder of The Seattle Hempfest -
“Prohibition is a luxury item New Mexico could no longer afford. I learned a lot about the cost of the War On Drugs by listening to Time 4 Hemp. I met Casper Leitch at the 2014 Seattle Hempfest where he and I were guest speakers. Since then, I’ve enjoyed being a reoccurring guest on his show. He is one of the sharpest talk show hosts I’ve met.”
— Gary Johnson —
Former Governor Of New Mexico -
"Some of the best memories I have happened when I was a Joint-Host on Time 4 Hemp every Wednesday for ‘LEAP Day’. Casper Leitch and I interviewed nearly every member of the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition organization about 5 times before I retired from my work as an activists. I do miss those days and am grateful that I can enjoy some of those moments again when I listen to the archives.”
— Peter Christ —
Founder of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) -
“This broadcasting network is one of the loudest voices in Cannabis Culture. Casper Leitch has been a pioneer in the Medical Cannabis Movement on so many different levels. I met Casper when I first called Jack Herer’s office to order some books in 1991 and we’ve been friends ever since. I do HIGHLY recommended checking out his archives.”
— Marc Emery —
Founder of Cannabis Culture Magazine -
“I met Casper Leitch at the 2001 NORML conference and have been a guest on his show many times since. Each time is refreshing and fun. I get the chance to share a lot of news with the global marijuana movement. I was happy when High Times Magazine gave him the ‘Freedom Fighter Of The Month’ award in February 2013. His work as a pioneering activist is inspiring. He’s been a true champion of the NORML organization as well.”
— Paul Armentano —
Deputy Director of NORML -
“I first met Casper Leitch when I was visiting with Jack Herer in 1990. When Casper began producing his TV series, I got copies to show on a continuous loop at the Amsterdam Hemp Museum. After watching the first segment featuring Chris Conrad, I knew it was the beginning of getting the truth about hemp into the main-stream media. He’s a funny show host and, as an activists, a brave pioneer.”
— Ben Dronkers —
Founder of Sensi Seeds and the Amsterdam Hemp Museum